Hi Joyce -
I just read Tom's site and am very impressed with his terrific attitude. Keep it positive - it will get you both through some tough times. It is difficult to watch you husband go through such grueling treatments.

Regarding the PEG Tube -- do it now! With Ken the delays in surgery & treatment caused significant problems. In the end he had to have a "J-tube" -- like a peg tube,but in the small intenstines and a much more complicated surgery. The feeding tube helped save Ken's life - no doubt about it.

Regarding the rash, I am have serious problems with hives -- not exactly the same, but boy Tom has my sympathy on this one. Just makes you feel worse. I usually end up with Cortizone shots - I wonder if there isn't something they can do to help ease the rash.

Hang in there Joyce -- and visit often.

Carol R - caregiver to hubby Ken. Stage 4, SCC, BOT. 6/05 dx, 9/25/05 last tx, 5/06 stroke. Four years cancer free! Still taking things 1 day at a time.