
I initially had similar SCC to yours in 2003 except mine was moderately differentiated. I went to a cancer hospital but the only option I was given was a patrial glossectomy. I wasn't smart enough at the time about cancer to ask more intelligent questions. I had a 25% removal in Nov 03 with no node involvement and had no problems with speech or eating afterwards. Got a clean bill of health on Dec 1, 2003. However I had no radiation offerred and right around Christmas 03, I had a recurrence that grew so quickly that I had to have a near total glossectomy in early Feb 04 with all the attendant speech and eating issues that are ongoing. Perhaps radiation would have prevented the recurrence. I'll never know but I want you to have the advantage of my experience. Radiation isn't fun but the loss of a tongue is far worse. Take it from me. Good luck

Jim Haucke
SCC Rt lateral tongue Dx 9/03, Surg 11/03 (T2/N0M0);recur SCC BOT and anterior tongue Dx 1/04; surg 2/04 (T4/N0M0) subtotal glossectomy, forearm free flap, floor of mouth reconstruction,pharyngoplasty;trach until 3/04;PEG still have; 36 rad (3/04-5/04)therapy 12/04-12/05; 2 esophagus endoscopies