Hi Wayne,
I had my surgery at the beginning of last December. Mine was similar to yours, though no bone graft. Physically I recovered much like you. Way ahead of Dr's expectations. I refused to be bed riden, or even dependant on anyone for any length of time. Just me being a stubborn old redneck.

I did have alot of issues as far as my emotions. I was never one to let mine be known. And I hid them quite well.I was aware that people now looked at me differently. I even noticed my kids stares from time to time. But I got past my vanity, which I never thought myself to be vain. One cannot worry what others think. I have a very noticable scar and a bulge when the flap is. I have not decided yet, but am leaning towards not doing platic surgery to remove excess. Feeling is slowing returning to parts of my cheek and I just don't know if I need the surgery. Plus, I have a program starting up that takes me to schools, churches, outdoor events and more to talk to people about dipping. he image of me they see makes a more profound impact.
I never had to have radiation as all 37 of my nodes were clean. So I cannot begin to tell you anything on that front.
Hang out here and chat with people. I have neglected to do that, and I have missed out.
But always keep a positive outlook on this. I wish you all the best. God bless, Curtis

The Outdoor Texan