Updated: June 20th, mom, 49, has stage 2 oral cancer (right side of tongue),less than 2 cms, MRI June 10th, saw ENT on June 20th. ENT told us MRI has come back & it looks like one of the nodes on the right side (same side as the tongue) might also be cancer. Surgerye is in 4 to 5 weeks, removing 30% of the tongue, and than replacing it with skin from other parts of the body. The nodes will also be removed from the right side and will spend 10 to 12 days in the hospital. She will have some form of tube for breathing for 4 days. After the surgery, 4 to 5 weeks later they will decide whether or not radiation or chemo will be the next step. Though he said he wasn't sure, that they would make that decision later on...

I am guessing radiation would be the next step, but he didnt come out and say it, ..probably because he didnt want us to worry? He said the surgery will take 10 hours ..

n e comments?

the world brought me to my knees...
Update: Feb 10/08: Mom passed away on Jan 31,08 - infection (unknown) in her lungs with her weakened immune system resulted in cardiac arrest - T2NO SCC of tongue surgery 6/30/06, SCC left neck and lungs detected Sept 07, 7 weeks rad/3 rounds chemo had no effect.