Do you have Squamous Cell carcinoma? If so there are studies that show Erbitux to help. IT has recently been approved by the FDA as a medication for Oral cancer the first new medication approved by the FDA in 20 years. SO I would look into it. Also look into combined chemoradiotherepy. It is radiation with lower doses of Chemo therepy at the same time a radiation. This has also been shown to improve chances. Also ask your radiologist about IMRT. This type of radiation it pointed more directly at your tumors allowing other tissue to be better preserved and also allowing a higher dose of radiation to be given to the tumor. Lastly I think you should have both sides radiated. I think you are noble to try and work through it but my friend just finished radiation it is brutal. Most people get nauseated and throw up. He slept alot and I think it would be very difficult to work through the course of treatment. I hope this helps.
