I am a 75 yo female, diagnosed with SCC in my gum, lower right, tongue side, in February. I have surgery scheduled for April 6, but the surgeon wanted the teeth removed in advance. So a dental resident removed 3 teeth on 4/1, left an implant (this was planned). I left the office, but was unable to stop the bleeding. I spent several hours in the ER before they were finally able to stop it. I’m not talking about oozing blood, it was saturating the gauze in about 5 seconds and dripping down my chin. This was apparently because of “friable” gums. When I finally got home, I nearly passed out changing into sleeping clothes. Had to lie on the floor of the closet for a few minutes. My husband was so tired, he couldn’t figure out what I was doing. Better now.

Diagnosed Feb 2022; 4 teeth removed 4/1; surgery 4/6 on lower right. Cancer classified as Stage 1; did not invade jawbone, tongue or lymph node. No radiation or chemo. Two weeks later suspicious areas on gums on lower left of mouth. Biopsy showed more squamous cell carcinoma. No response from doctors yet.