Thank you, Brian, for passing along that information. It actually is somewhat comforting, as I never considered the possibility that the primary site of my husband's SCC could have already been gone at the time the lump was discovered on his neck, only that it was there somewhere and hopefully dealt with during treatment. The "unknown primary" status was extremely distressing for us but perhaps if we had thought of this possibility, it would have been easier to get past. I hope others who are just being diagnosed with occult primary will see this post.

Michele, caregiver to husband, Jesse, SCC diagnosed 1/5/06 unknown primary, lf neck mass >6 cm. Chemo (Cisplatin 2x; Carboplatin & Taxol 2x) & XRT radiation 39X ending 4/4/06. Rad neck dissection 8.5 hrs 4/13/06. 30 HBO treatments Fall 2006.