Hey TG,

I went back to my medical team and asked them for advice. The hospital dentist is a nightmare, so I said I'm happy to work with my own dentist and pay for private dentist, but I need their advice on what to do. T
Apparently I had 65 greys per fraction of radiotherapy, which is crazy high. My team said I need to wait 3 years before considering any removal of healthy teeth.

I had no problem with that at all. They said I could continue to have my hygienist deep clean appointment.
At the time of my appointment, my tooth at the front was quite loose, and the dentist knocked it whilst cleaning the area. The tooth fell out! It turns out it wasn't attached to the bone any longer. Fingers crossed I don't have any long term effects in the future.

F 39 x-smoker no alcohol
05/20/19 T4aN1/N2bM0 SCC a whopper of a tumour at 8cm long & 4cm wide
Pembro pre & post surgery
Glossectomy ND RFFR 08/13/19
RT x33
2x cispltin
So far, no evidence of disease
Now an author of a recipe book for mouth cancer patients