Hello just some update about my case if anyone have ever been dealing with the same thing

- I will get my whole medical record from this cancer center and try to figure out if its a true dysplasia or a reactive lesion
- i will get a genetic test to see if my tumor suppressor gene are working ( brca, tp53.,atm , xrp .. and fanconi anemia gene of course)

my father was a heavy smoker and drinker and never had a single tumor !
my mother died of breast cancer but it probably have nothing to do with oral cancer

i have 3 older brothers and sisters that are healthy

im still afraid of dysplasia recurrence but this was on palate , a site that dont have a big transformation rate, even in non smoker / non drinker

my ultimate goal is to get a whole genome sequencing and get some gene therapy to fix any damaged gene , but for the moment its just science fiction , it will probably possible in the next 30 years

actually i'm doing a lot of thing to decrease my cancer risk

this discovery changed my life forever

potential cause of this lesion :

- poor immune system : i got shingles and candida , disease that you can only get if your immun system is poor
- bad oral hygiene : i didnt brush my teeth for decades ... not joking...
- mechanical friction : mouth breather and gerd and acidic food

the lesion apparead after the death of my mother, maybe its linked, maybe not ...

more is unknown than is know at this time.