Well there are NO guarantees either way you go unfortunately and that just sucks!

My story is the same as yours almost. I had tongue cancer a year ago and lost 25% of my tongue and had a left neck dissection. Lymph nodes were clear and I did not need a rebuild. But, I did have to have another surgery right after the first because one of the margins was found to have three 'stray' cancer cells. They took an additional 2 cm of tissue from that side and it was clear. They recommended radiation to me because of the 3 cancer cells that were outside of the tumor.

I went through with radiation. And as I sit here, I was diagnosed a few days ago with breast cancer. It's the same exact cancer my mom got when she was 50. Now, was there a correlation between the radiation and this cancer? Or would it of happened no matter what? No way to know for sure but I don't regret the radiation because in my heart I knew I was following sound medical advice and doing what I could to not have a recurrence.

Sorry, I'm sure this doesn't answer anything for you but I thought I'd share my story along with the rest. smile Good luck in your decision!

Laura Age 40
Tongue lesion on left side grew and was hurting in mid-August
Dx as squamous cell carcinoma on 9.18.18
Left Neck Dissection and tongue surgery, lost a fourth of my tongue on 10.1.18, tumor had grown to a T3
Margins were clear except front section of tongue margin had three stray cancer cells that were not in the tumor
Additional surgery 10.18.18 to remove another cm near where the stray cells were found
33 radiation treatments from Nov 2018 through Jan 2019