
At the end of my surgery, the doctors felt they had clean margins, but the pathology report (which took several more days to complete) was much more detailed. It described the exact margins around the tumor site (some were greater than others). It also listed each lymph node or group of lymph nodes that had been removed, and what was found from the examination of each of them, as well as the results of testing any other tissue that they took out. This was far more information than what the original biopsy would have shown.

I hope your mother can start to get some strength back before radiation begins -- it will help her if she can put on a little extra weight. The first couple of weeks of radiation are often fairly tolerable for most people, but beyond that, the unpleasant effects can sneak up on you.

We're all here for you when you need support or suggestions for getting through this.


Tongue SCC (T2M0N0), poorly differentiated, diagnosed 3/89, partial glossectomy and neck dissection 4/89, radiation from early June to late August 1989