Thank you, Gloria and Christine, for your thorough and thoughtful responses! I spoke with my friend on the phone earlier, and she said her head is positively swimming with questions, worries, and concerns about how she (SHE) is going to get everything arranged, e.g. helpers, drivers. I assured her that we, her friends, are going to do everything that is within our grasp, and that her job at this time is to let us help her and to start the journey toward healing. (She hasn't started treatment yet, as I think I said in my first post, but the journey for me, anyway, started right after diagnosis!)

Some info I forgot to put in my first post: She is HPV+ and has been told that that's a "good" thing (oh, and yes, it's BOT at the throat level. She's already having some trouble swallowing and speaking). She's also a diabetic (adult-onset, I believe), and so there will be special nutritional needs now as well as during and after treatment. Her medical team will certainly address that.

I'm going to share with her just how wonderful this Forum is -- it was and is a special sort of family for me, and it could be for her, too. If she could connect with a few of you who have BOT and HPV+ experience, I think she would find some relief and comfort and community. That is so very important when you feel like no one around you really understands what's happening to you (and you don't understand it, either! Totally disconcerting!).

Thanks again for your responses. I appreciate everything you offered up, and I'll be sure to start doing things that I can do, like getting lists of people together to help both at her home and at her treatment location. You all are the best!!


Stage 2 SCC upper right palate
Hemi-palatectomy and maxillectomy 5/28/09
Six teeth gone
IMRT x30 starts July 13. Completed 8/26/09
Carboplatin and Taxol x6 starting 7/14/09. Completed 8/25/09.