Thanks for the nice response. My doctor thinks HPV cancer happens only in the lingual tissue or tonsils, and it most often presents with a neck mass. All other cancers present with either ulcer that doesnt heal or change in color, etc.
He also said that cancer in BOT is firm. Often not seen but can be palpated, like a popcorn kernel. That is unless its very small...of course. Also he mentioned something about tongue movement restriction, etc.

I guess the CT is a waste because I have had various CTs recently for other issues, and radiation is a problem. In other words, he just doesn't feel the need to order CT scan.
I guess doctors do have a level of suspicion and he said I will not order a CT scan for every patient with sore throat.

But...I have pain and its been there 4 months. I can clearly see that my lingual tonsil is enlarged. So I keep worrying and visiting doctors.

38 yrs old F