If you're still in treatment, then Christine is right and you need to wait on clearance for the therapy. For most of us (not all, but most) it does get worse before it gets better, and you need to spend your energy healing. The one best exercise you can do right now is keeping up your swallow reflex. The rest can be worked on later. Rads continue to work even after the treatments stop, so it'll be some time after that before you're likely to be ready for formal therapy. But at least you've already got somebody lined up ... that's got to be a good thing! Will be thinking of you!


Surgery 5/31/13
Tongue lesion, right side
SCC, HPV+, poorly differentiated
T1N0 based on biopsy and scan
Selective neck dissection 8/27/13, clear nodes
12/2/13 follow-up with concerns
12/3/13 biopsy, surgery, cancer returned
1/8/14 Port installed
PEG installed
Chemo and rads
2/14/14 halfway through carboplatin/taxotere and rads
March '14, Tx done, port out w/ complications, PEG out in June
2017: probable trigeminal neuralgia
Fall 2017: HBOT
Jan 18: oral surgery