Good evening--

When I came home they set us up with Jevity 1.2, Prosource, and syringes. The folks in the ICU had shown us how to use the Kangaroo Joey, and my wife had to insist that the company supply one. She stuck to the hospital rate of 240 ml / hour, which means about two hours hooked up for each meal.

Within a month or so, I started increasing the feed rate to the maximum, 400 ml / hour, which reduced the time to 70 minutes or so. My wife argued that there had to be a reason for a slower rate, but most folks at the hospital, including the dietician, suggested that if I was comfortable at 400, that's fine.

Then comes my annual physical, and it shows somewhat elevated liver values.(ALT (SOPT) at 56, just below top of range, and ALK PHOS high out of range at 131). The doctor suggests that if I am getting Jevity too fast, it could put a strain on the liver.

Any thoughts on enteral pump feeding rates?

many thanks, Jon

SCC, HPV-related P16 Stage III T1N1M0
(prim. site rt base of tongue, 1.5 cm, 1 lymph node, nearly 3 cm)
Rad neck dissection 5/19/17 no probs
TORS 5/26/17 remove rt tonsil and divot at rt base of tongue
Arterial bleed at surgical site 5/31/17, 5 days intubated and sedated
Asp. pneumonia, hosp acquired pneumonia, DVTs
Tot 13 days in ICU
31 days targeted rad, until 9/21/17
No evidence of disease since
Still G-tube dep
Very grateful to be alive