!1 months out of treatment for throat cancer (35 rad treatments). This winter I have had 2 colds that started out as a itchy throat and then turned into lung congestion, I am over them now but seem to have lingering congestion in my lungs. I take Ambien to help me sleep and my wife tells me in the morning that I have coughing spells during the night. During the day I cough up phlem sometimes once per hour sometimes once every 3 hours. Similar to a smokers cough, I went to my ENT and he said there was nothing he could do for the colds and ordered a swallow test to see if I was aspirating during eating and drinking. It came up negative for any problems swallowing and the technician said it was good that I was coughing when I eat and drink sometimes, she said that it was body telling me that there is something going down the wrong pipe and I cough it out. I am worried about the lingering congestion in my lungs that doesn't seem to go away completely, I didn't have any coughing or congestion till I got these colds, This has me worried a little bit, I have another appointment with my ENT April 2nd, I have also been taking a multi-vitamin with my regular meds.

5/31/16 Partial Glossectomy
Right neck dissection
22 teeth extracted
Six weeks of radiation Ended 8/19/16
2/8/17 Biopsy of epiglottis-cancerous
35 radiation treatments to the throat, End 11/17/17
8/23/19 Tongue reconstruction, left radical neck dissection