Hi All,

I am new this this forum and looking for some advice.

I am 24yo and live in the United Kingdom, smoked since the age of 14, stopped when 22 and stupidly started again at 23 but recently stopped again. Rewind two months ago I noticed a hard, firm, non-moveable lump on the right side of the hard palate. Initially it did not cause any immediate concern, I put it down to something I must have ate or something else along them lines. However, two months on and to today's date (03/02/18) the lump is still there and slightly increased in size and beginning to marginally hurt when touched.

I am currently receiving orthodontist treatment for an open bite at my local hospital. I attended my scheduled appointment yesterday (02/02/18). I told my orthodontist about the lump and she didn't know what it was, she got the doctor who also was unsure what it was, he questioned a possible torus, but said it was not in the place they occur or feel like one, he then got a specialist who deals with lumps etc who luckily works in the same department, however, I am not his patient and he briefly looked due to time constraints (sorry, cannot remember his title, however, apparently specialises in oral lumps etc). He looked and felt the lump and himself was unsure, he did not seem sure that it was a torus and questioned if he should send me for a CT scan and a biopsy, then decided to let me wait till my next orthodontist appointment to see if it is 'still there' - but was advised in the meantime to ring them if it gets any bigger or gets more painful and come straight back.

Obviously from all three of there reactions and them not knowing what it was and the mention of a CT and biopsy to then tell me to wait has understandably made me now worry. I keep thinking to myself it may be a good sign and potentially nothing sinister if I'm told to wait. But don't know what to do from here? Shall I wait? Or seek further help? The orthodontist does not specialise in this stuff (their words not mine) and the specialist was not my doctor he was just simply checking it out for my consultant.

Any adivce would be appreciative.