A few things to share:
- had a swallow test via nasal endoscopy (not barium/X-ray) with the speech and swallowing therapist. We could visualize where things might get caught. My cancer was in the vallecula and the radiation fields were highest there. This is near the epiglottis and I have some residual swelling and the muscles there and in the neck has some atrophy ansbbeed to be exercised.

- she reminded me to keep doing the swallowing, jaw motion, and neck motion exercises I did during treatment and recommends doing them for 3 to 5 years post treatment.

- I saw my ENT and he respectfully disagreed with the follow interval from my oncology team (they see me every three months.) He would like to do a nasal endoscopy every month for the first year and I will be seeing him on the months that I don’t see the oncology team. A difference in philosophy among my doctors but I will be as conservative as possible.

Keep fighting friends!

Me -- currently 53 years old
SCC diagnosed 3/7/2017 at age 48
Staging SCC HPV+ T0,N1 primary unknown
PET 3/16, no activity, biopsies 3/23 benign
TORS surgery identified 2mm tumor in BOT (vallecula)
Cancer restaged T1, N2, M0
Begin 30 sessions of radiation (60 Gy) 6/13
Completed radiation 7/24/2017
1st MRI clear 10/23/2017!!
2nd MRI clear 10/17/2018!