Tomorrow will be "the big beginning." A really long day, since I am not to eat or drink anything after midnight tonight. My treatment for Base of Tongue will be chemo and rad for seven weeks. Fortunately, my PET shows no spreading. I'm 81 years old and my doctor sys that a "cure" is possible or a "long remission." In 1981 I checked into a rehab to kick a severe alcohol habit. I gave up smoking a few years later. Good, but not soon enough, apparently. Perhaps most people don't live long enough for this "scourge" to catch up with them. That would be a blessing.

I am a Ham Radio hobbyist. I sure do miss it. My voice is so constricted that it becomes very difficult to talk after just a few minutes. I may have to go to Morse Code, but most of my friends don't use that mode, preferring to stick with "phone." (microphone) I'm hoping my voice comes back as the tumor shrinks. (maybe just wishful thinking) At any rate, the treatments should not make me miss Christmas with my family. I have 5 children, 8 grandchildren and 5 greats. My wife of 40 years died of cancer in 1998.

My fifth child is my only daughter. She is truly wonderful and helps me with anything I need. The boys, of course, have their good points too but nothing like a daughter. She will spend much time with me since her children are "on their own" except one still away in college.

So, tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. I get my first chemo (and lab work). Then at 10:40 is my first rad. At 1:00 p.m. I check into a nearby hospital for placement of a PEG and that will do it for the day. I know I'll be "thirsty." LOL

Just learned that PEG tube has to be rescheduled to January 5 so chemo can start tomorrow. (Chemo will last 5 hours.) Yeah, no fasting for tomorrow!

Last edited by Hamguy; 12-18-2017 09:08 AM. Reason: Additional comments.