Hi everyone.. I don't know if I'm jumping the gun here or not. I am terrified I may have oral cancer. I have an appointment with an ENT on November 28th, which is the soonest they could get me in, as I don't know what other specialist to see. Our current insurance doesn't offer any dental plans so an ENT is the only medical doctor I could think of to try. I am 27 years old. I have a white patch on my gum/cheek. Now the skin on my face on the outside of where the white patch is has become tender to touch. Not very painful but noticeable. No bleeding and no lumps. My ears have been bothering me with random fleeting pains, and I was treated for an ear infection in august. I've never had problems with my ears, and never had an ear infection prior to august. The pains seem to be mostly triggered by cold or water. I also feel like there's a catch in my throats when I swallow. It's only when I swallow saliva, never when I swallow food. I've had this sensation for over a year and was treated by an ENT who used a scope and saw nothing. He said it was a globus sensation caused by silent reflux. I also get random pains in my neck/throat that feel like a mild pinch. Nothing constant but sporadic. I am a tobacco user but I'm trying to quit. Cancer does run in my family, all kinds. I mentioned my concern to my primary doctor and she wasn't worried because of my age. She did blood work and said if there was any cancer my labs would show something was going on. My labs came back fine so she didn't do anything further which is why I made the appointment with the ENT. Does this sound like oral cancer or could it be anything else? I don't know what to think and my mind keeps going to the worst. I'm looking for any insight at all or anyone who can relate. Thank you!