This is my first post here, although I've been reading for months and find this forum most helpful
I had a partial glosectomy (one third off) to remove tongue carcinoma and neck dissection on the left side on April this year Luckily no Rad nor chemo were needed
But I have a constant electric feeling on the side of my tongue where surgery was done and for a month I am also dealing with several mucocele on that side too
Would like to know if anyone had suffered those and wether surgery was needed or resolved on their own with time
Also if the constan funny electrical taste (bearable) does eventually go away or I will need to get used to it
Thank you so much for any experience sharing or advice
Will be very much appreciated

Male 42
Scamous carcinoma left side tongue
Stage 2
April 2017 partial glosectomy and neck dissection
No rad or chemio
Back to almost normal speech stil dealing with nerve damage in left arm