My husband survived for 12 and half years after radiation and chemo for stage 4 BOT squamous cell carcinoma. Most of the years were fairly healthy ones w/ little things cropping up now and then. We enjoyed children and grandchildren, retirement, and a move to another city in those years. 8 months ago, he passed away as a result of the effects radiation from 12 and half years prior. Carotid blowout twice w/ repairs using stent grafts, infection in spine, neck, brain which was not able to be effectively treated for healing of open wound in his throat. Finally had a stroke and eventually died due to all of the above. He preferred not to make yet another hospital visit at the end and we brought him home with Hospice and help from an additional agency to be sure he had the very best care. We were married for 44 years which could have ended 12 and 1/2 years sooner if not for treatment. He never complained and was just glad to be alive those years. He always told me that if he had it to do over again, he WOULD choose treatment. I'm so glad that he did. Im thankful for the doctors, treatment options, and time. Best wishes and prayers for those suffering from this terrible disease and it life-saving, horrible, wonderful treatment!