Oh! One thing I forgot to mention. A few of the ulcers are due to secondary electron scattering from a gold tooth cap I have. My RO was out of town this week and another RO caught it.

She came into my session yesterday and showed the techs how to put a medical wax on my tooth. When 7 sessions left they decided to not recast the dental appliance.

Keep fighting friends!

Me -- currently 53 years old
SCC diagnosed 3/7/2017 at age 48
Staging SCC HPV+ T0,N1 primary unknown
PET 3/16, no activity, biopsies 3/23 benign
TORS surgery identified 2mm tumor in BOT (vallecula)
Cancer restaged T1, N2, M0
Begin 30 sessions of radiation (60 Gy) 6/13
Completed radiation 7/24/2017
1st MRI clear 10/23/2017!!
2nd MRI clear 10/17/2018!