
I would not be afraid to do a 10% reduction in hydrodon for a week or 10 days and so forth as long as they would keep filling the prescription ( I imagine they would) and there was a special tool that could slice a hydrocodon tab in 10 equal portions. Waiting for a call back from the radio Dr's nurse via addictive pain specialist I am really surprised that the radio Dr. does not have some sort of plan to help patients wean themselves all the pain meds. I can't imagine how many patients that probably get addicted to pain meds during their radiation treatments!

5/31/16 Partial Glossectomy
Right neck dissection
22 teeth extracted
Six weeks of radiation Ended 8/19/16
2/8/17 Biopsy of epiglottis-cancerous
35 radiation treatments to the throat, End 11/17/17
8/23/19 Tongue reconstruction, left radical neck dissection