A big thanks to this board otherwise I would not know what to do. Side effects hit hard day 12/13 - no need to go through the list but it was just like people have shared. Knowing intellectually versus experiencing it is a big difference!

Just finished day 14; next week have 5 treatments in 4 days to make up for the July 4 holiday. Working hard to focus on self care and positive attitude. Have cut out everything except treatment and work. (Working mostly from home)

Friends want to visit but I am really tired and trying to sleep when I can.

Keep fighting friends!

Me -- currently 53 years old
SCC diagnosed 3/7/2017 at age 48
Staging SCC HPV+ T0,N1 primary unknown
PET 3/16, no activity, biopsies 3/23 benign
TORS surgery identified 2mm tumor in BOT (vallecula)
Cancer restaged T1, N2, M0
Begin 30 sessions of radiation (60 Gy) 6/13
Completed radiation 7/24/2017
1st MRI clear 10/23/2017!!
2nd MRI clear 10/17/2018!