well to start off I have been a chewer for 35 years off and on. About six months ago I started getting a burning sensation in my gums on the left side and in the front.
Then I looked in the mirror and seen red inflamed gums with a white line. I went to my dentist who said its nothing to worrry about. I then made and appt with an ent who also said he thought it was just thick skinned which means hyperkeratosis. But he biopsied them to make sure and indead they did come back as hyperkeratosis. And I am very thankful. But I keep worrying because I have quit chewing and the pain has gotten worse, it still looks the same but it keeps nagging me. Not sure if I should go back or just stay off the computer, is there anything I could put on gums to help with the burning. I should have asked my doc.

