
I am so thankful to have found this website. I have already learned a great deal from reading some of the posts. My heart goes out to anyone who has heard the words "you have cancer".

Much to my surprise and dismay, I was recently diagnosed, through biopsy, with squamous cell carcinoma of the maxillary alveolar ridge. My doctor has told me that treatment will include surgery and radiation. Due to the location part of my palate will be removed, as well as some teeth. I will need to wear an obturator to fill the hole that will be left between the sinus cavity and my mouth. After looking at photos of an obturator, I am even more worried. It looks so big! I have CT scans coming up and consults, then surgery depending on what the scans show.

I am trying to stay positive through all this. I've been fortunate in not having any health issues other than low thyroid. That is the only medication I take.

Again, thank you all. I will be a regular visitor from now on.

4/25/17 SCC of the left Maxillary Aveolar ridge
6/05/17 Maxillectomy Surgery Tumor grade 1 well differentiated,clear margins. Removed part of hard palate and all the rest of my teeth. My obturator and me become friends for life.
6 weeks RADS coming up in July