I posted a week or so ago....
At any rate, I had an appointment with an Oral Surgeon yesterday. He was very through. The area of concern is on the side of my tongue and underneath. He felt "100%" there was nothing to be concerned with and felt the are was just vascular. What I am seeing is an area of red dots. I actually am a dental hygienist...I would tend to believe I am more in tune than most who don't have a dental background. I do not see the same on the other side, he said he did?????
I will back track a bit... I have been "sick" since February with hoarseness, ear pain(same side) and my submandibular gland(also same side) is extremely painful. For about 2 months my face on that side has been tingly/numb feeling. When that symptom arose, I was sent for a head and neck MRI which revealed thyroid "nodules". I was then referred back to the ENT who we had to push to have the "nodules" biopsied. Thankfully, the biopsy was negative.
The Oral Surgeon felt that "something" is definitely is going on and would like to be involved in trying to figure it out. He asked if he could contact my primary doctor so they could discuss. I of course gave the go ahead.
He called me today letting me know he spoke to her and depending on what my most recent CT(abdomen/pelvic) showed, they may refer me to a neurologist.
I expressed my concern with him once more about my tongue and surrounding area. I was in quite a bit of pain today..... I said I appreciated his efforts etc. but wondered if we should biopsy. Now he has left it up to me to think about....
The question I have is should I have it biopsied, or go on his expertise that he is "100%" sure there was nothing to be concerned about.......
I appreciate this forum so much and am looking forward to the responses!!!!
