It's Friday of what's been a busy week. 5 radiations, 2 trips to the pharmacy, hearing test, follow-up with dental, meeting with radiation oncologist, trip to the lab, meeting with medical oncologist, three trips for hydration therapy ... this care giver is wiped out and ready for the weekend.

On the good news front, only 6 rads left to go, 1 chemo to go. Mike's pain level has increased substaintially. He went from a level 8 only when swallowing to a sustained 8. We are picking up the phentenal patch in just a bit. Fingers crossed it provides the needed relief.

Watching him cough this morning brought tears to my eyes. Excruciating for him and emotionally for me.

Every person on his care team comments how remarkable he's doing for where he's at on the tx plan. In the back of my head, I hope that means great things - and I'm concerned that maybe his body is so strong it is resistant to the treatment. Ugh.

We are both ready to be off of this roller coaster.

Thanks for the space to get it out.


Last edited by Julie916; 12-16-2016 11:32 AM.

Caregiver to my husband, Mike
He is:
56 years old
Non smoker/social drinker
Hpv -
SCC BOT N2C Stage 4
Dx 10/14/16
Rx of 35 days Rad & 3 rounds of cisplatin
Treatment started 11/7/16
PEG installed 11/2/16