Hi Steve,

I would tread very carefully if I were you. I had an extraction 1 year after treatment (no HBO treatment) and suffered horrible mucositis for about 2 months, was under watch for ORN. My dentist/periodontist had NO experience with oral cancer. I had planned to get an implant one year after the extraction, but my ENT surgeon nixed that idea. Now I just have a hole that I'm constantly swiping food out of...and still, my dentist keeps telling me he can do a crown on the adjoining tooth. Not gonna happen.

I realize you are much further out from tx than I was, but I would still reiterate the advice travelottie gave to not let anyone near your mouth who isn't directly experienced with head & neck cancer. Make sure any treatment plan is signed off on (preferably in blood LOL) by your oncologist.

female, 48 yo 3x survivor
5/2009 SCC left lateral tongue
partial glossectomy, left neck dissection, all nodes clear
12/2011 - recurrence, SCC left posterior lateral tongue
resection 12/2011
laser surgery 7/19/13 for leukoplakia, led to 3rd diagnosis
7/26/13 SCC left posterior lateral tongue
partial glossectomy 8/15/13 - margins clear
6 wks radiation 10/2013-11/2013
So far so good! Some remaining side effects (trismus, dry mouth, minimal tongue movement) but loving life!