Hi, all. My name is Chrissy. I'm a 43 year old stay at home mom to 3 amazing, but challenging,and silly kiddos.
My story... I've had a lesion on the right side of my tongue (about 1" long) for some time now. I tend to be one who doesn't like to complain, so I just blew it off thinking it was just an infection or maybe I had a sharp edge on a tooth that was cutting into my tongue.. I don't know, I just tend to think everything will heal itself and go away, so I'm not even sure how long it's been there, but it's been months at least. I recently had to go on antibiotics for an infection in my leg and when that resolved and I realized the strong antibiotics did nothing to help with the sore, I figured maybe I'd finally look into it. Two days ago I saw my doctor and while she danced around it, I could tell by her questioning what she was considering. I go for a biopsy on the 14th. Longest wait of my life. I can't even express that emphatically enough. I've been doing all the things I shouldn't be doing... googling and thinking the worst. I started doing my own little palpitations around my neck and jaw and have discovered some tenderness below my jaw, same side and area of my lesion.
Not really sure what I'm after by coming here already, I feel like it's probably not in my best interest because it's just feeding this doom and gloom take on it that I seem to have taken to. But... none the less... here I am. Nothing personal, hoping to not have to become a regular! Thanks in advance for any kindness and support that's coming this way.
