
Thanks for writing and sharing your story. It can be terrifying and shocking when someone you love gets a cancer diagnosis. I think many of us who are care takers run on pure adrenaline, at least at the beginning.

There are often so many things going on in our busy lives - children and work, for instance- that it seems like it would be impossible to take on another big responsibility. BUT, after the shock and disorientation lifts and the doctors and you and your Mom map out what steps you will take from here, you will find that it is possible to get through it- step-by-step, day-by-day, sometimes hour-by-hour.

I agree with the Darrell who suggests a PEG might be good for nutrition but, at least if my husband is an example, it's a good idea to realize that some people take a while to adjust to the tube. However, it really, really has made all the difference for his weight.

The people on this site have been a wonderful support for me and I would love to have the chance to share with you any info I've learned along the way..

Caregiver for John SCC left tonsil Stage III/IV dx Sept 05, tx started Oct 21/05 -IMRT 35, cisplatin 3 X 100mg/m2;completed Dec08/05.