Hi I have not posted in a awhile but since December I have had a lesion that has not healed and I am now spending my winters in Florida. I was home for Christmas in Mass and my regular oncologist was not able to see me.
I met with ENT last week who said after radiation cancer presents itself in different ways. He was concerned about the lesion but did not want to biopsy it cause of healing complications after radiation, so he is sending me to Moffitt. Hopefully I can get in as soon as possible. I was able to see the tumor on the last two times in 2005 and 2009. Recently my whole body has been aching and my left arm feels like I pulled bones or muscles. I just don't feel right and am very scared that this is happening a third time and that I waited too long. Reading your post the doctor I had in Mass never told me about cancer looking different after radiation and that this can travel to brain, bones and other areas. I should have know better. If it wasn't for this forum I would never have know what this cancer can really do. Please help with advice here alone in Florida

SCC 2005 floor of mouth and neck disection
SCC 2009 partial rt tongue RAD
PEG 2009
20 HBO treatments following surgery of three teeth and 10 more HBO to follow
2015 Diced food diet due to weak muscles long term effects of radiation
2018 Radiation Fibrosis of the jaw and neck, vocal cord dysfunction