Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. My mom was recently diagnosed with stage 4 oral cavity cancer. She needs to have a portion of gum, jaw, tongue and pharynx removed as well as the lymph nodes on the right side of her neck removed. After pathology comes back we'll know if she needs radiation and chemo. We met with 2 doctors who we really like. One reconstructs the jaw using the leg bone and the other reconstructs using the shoulder blade. Is there anyone who had reconstruction using the shoulder blade? I believe that one is less used. My mom is 71 so one of the doctors recommended the shoulder blade to decrease odds of DVT and embolism and to get her mobile sooner. We are having a tough time deciding.

I'm supporting my mom who was diagnosed with scc.
6/4/15- 1st saw dentist with complaints of lesion that wouldn't heal.
8/2/15 after visits to primary and dentist for second opinion, biopsy performed on gums and tongue.
8/4/15 diagnosis of scc of oral cavity (stage 4)
9/22- surgery for resection of portion of jaw, 60% of tongue, floor of mouth, soft palate, pharynx and neck dissection. Reconstruction with leg bone and skin graft from thigh.