Appleseed, we are also not close to a Comprehensive Cancer Center. My husband also had 1/2 of his tongue removed 6/1 with a left neck dissection. He had 2 positive nodes. We did get a second opinion. I agree radiation is the absolute correct treatment with maybe chemo depending on a number of factors. I dug through many articals and treatment guidelines understand this. A few of the factors that would warrent chemo are, were the tumor borders negative, were the lymph nodes encapsulated, was there perineural invasion. We were reluctant to offend our providers by getting a second opinion, but they embraced it. We told them we were doing it, and had the opinion sent to them. We let them know that we didn't necessarily want to change providers, but hoped they would consider the opinion of experts. All worked out well. We stayed where we were and there were a few tweets to the treatment plan. You've come to a great site. Everyone here has been very helpful for us. My husband is now in his 5th week of radiation and also receiving chemotherapy. He's doing great, is upbeat and can't wait to get this behind us.

Kate, wife of husband with
May 2015, SSCA left lateral tongue, T2N2bM0 Stage 4 , Age 58
06/01/15, L hemiglossectomy, modified L radical neck, clear margins, 2 nodes positive, no extracapsular extension. Perineural invasion on lingual nerve in tongue.

Tx completed 8/28/15, IMRT and 2 high dose cisplatin.
12/15 negative PT scan
5/16 negative PT scan
2/16 fitted with partial denture
12/16 3mm area of exposed mandible identified. Started on pentoxifylline regime
3/17 completed 40 HBO dives.