Hi Kelly.

I had my jaw bone replaced on both the right and left side. It was done by Drs. at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona. They used a piece of my leg bone also. The major problem is no feeling on the chin. If some food accidently drops on my chin while eating I don't know it as I have no feeling where the jaw replacement occured. Someone has to tell me or it will fall on my lap. Also no teeth so the type of food I eat is limited. When I read of other people who have had oral cancer roblems of not swalling, receiving their nutrition only by the famous "PEG" make me realize how fortunate I am. Hopefully Tyler is as fortunate as I. I have held off getting teeth because of the cost of implants and having to go through the High oxygen treatment to attempt to make sure the implants heal correctly. Dry mouth is also a problem at
night. The best advise is think positive and count your blessings. It could be much worse. I have been cancer free for three years. The Drs. at Mayo said that if you make it past 18 months without a reoccurance then you are 95% cured. Any way I can help you and your lovely daughter please don't hesitate. If I can answer any questions, please let me know.

Best of Luck.

