Hello to everyone and sorry it has been so long since I have written. I read all your amazing stories of strength and hope everyday and my family has learned so much for all of your experiences. Anyway, my father finished his rad treatments in May and has gone down hill ever since. The radiation played havoc on his throat and mouth. He lost about 50 pounds and eventually had a tube put in for feeding. Check up's went well until late Novemember when a biopsy of his tonsil came back positive. Now he is faced with surgery--tonsil, some of his tongue, roof of mouth, jaw and some lymph nodes. He has to gain a few pounds before they can do the surgery and needless to say, his spirits are as low as can be. He is 71 and we are so scared that he may be too weak to beat this thing. Are there others out there that have faced surgery after rad treatments and were in a rather weakened state?? His doctor at the James Cancer Hospital in Columbus, is hopeful. Love and prayers to all of you fighting this battle!