Nicole, Three years ago I had a lower jaw replacement on both the left and right sides. The surgery lasted over 12 hours. A piece of my left lower leg bone was used to replace the cancerous bone. My surgery was done at the Mayo Hospital in Scottsdale, Arizona. I was hospitalized for almost three weeks. I received the very BEST of care. My leg never gave me any problem and I was kept as confortable as possible. I couldn't talk, so I had a paper and pen handy for any questions or comments I wished to make. The Drs. and nurses were very patient trying to understand my communications. After six weeks I had radiation for six weeks. The major problem is learning to eat different foods. All soft. Eggs, pancakes. gravey, Ice cream, yogert etc. It is amazing how you learn to adapt. Attitude has alot to do with the recovery. I was told so many times that my positive attitude was helping me get better and make significant progress. My advise is knowing you are being treated by the " best experts in this field of oral cancer" is reassuring and keeping the attitude that tomorrow will be better should help you Dad make it through just fine. Best of luck to you both.I'll keep following your posts and will add any knowledge I have as your father's recovery progresses.
