Hi Gloria, I am pretty clueless when it comes to esophagus dilation. What kind of symptoms/patients should consider getting this done?

Would someone who is starting to struggle with swallowing (needing to force, making sound effects to swallow at times during every meal)?
Or someone who coughs up bits of food regularly to prevent aspiration?
Stephen's fibrosis is getting progressivly tighter in the past 6 months, he mentions there is a pain aspect that wasn't there before.
I am guessing this proceedure is for more severe/pronounced narrowing of the esophagus.

Thanks for sharing and advocating, Sophie

husband 61@diagnosis painter
6/9/13 Exophylic invasive SCC IV(ext.gingivobuccal) 3cm+ mandibular/lytic/erosion, jugular/node9mmshort-axis
17/9/13 Dx(moderately aggressive)
24/10/13 left madiblectomy, mod radical neck disct, leg flap, NGtube
2/01/14 (30 tx)rads 60gy
N2b (2nodes under jaw) (rem. in tiny nerves) (rem. 30 nodes)
Clear margin, close 2mm inner cheek
15/05/14 cellulitis
3/12/14 Chest CT Clear
27/02/15 cellulitis
8/6/15 cellulitis
10/6/15 Osteomyelitis