Hi my name is Denise and my biopsy results came back on April Fool's Day. They biopsied my tongue after a routine dental appt. I am still in shock though I probably shouldn't be....I was a smoker for years. Feeling very stupid and scared. Waiting to hear about appt with cancer center for further testing and treatment. I have been really worried about my job, money and how to manage to pay bills if this takes awhile to take care of. I am alone though I do have some friends. Anyone else have this concern right out the gate like this?? Praying for some good news in the next couple of weeks. Hoping the best for all. Thank you. Denise

Biopsy tongue 3/24/15
Diagnosis SCC tongue/floor of mouth
Partial glossectomy, resection and right neck dissection done
05/01/2015-no further treatment indicated at this time,
monthly check ups for two years