Hello - I have not been here for a while.

I am looking for information and advice for my mother that will likely undergo a total glossectomy and laryngectomy shortly. She had a partial glossectomy with reconstruction 10 years ago and unfortunately the cancer has returned.

Chemo and Radiation are not options. She has been on a PEG tube for 1.5 years and does not eat by mouth at all.

I would love to hear from anyone that has had this surgery to learn what to expect (Complications, healing) for the surgery, post surgery and living afterwards (tools to use). Also, any pre-surgery recommendations and what to prepare at home would be helpful.

Her only other option is to do nothing - so this is the better of the two! Looking on the bright side!

Thanks - Jennifer

Last edited by becauseican; 03-21-2015 09:25 AM.

Daughter of 3 time oral cancer survivor.