Well, it's been a long time since I posted! I finished my rads on June 30th. I thought that it was reasonable that I go back to work in October, but my Oncologist recommended that I take off to January. Flash forward to December and I still had about 5-6 hours of 'good' energy a day. That is not enough to get to work, work, and come home and deal with two teenage girls!

I am very fortunate to have a LTD plan that allows for 2 years off, assuming your Doctor writes you off, so I was given another 4 months off. Now as April/May looms and I'm to head back to my job, I'm still struggling with not nearly enough energy to get through a day and I'm not even working!

I feel like I am being a baby about this - but it isn't the normal, man I am tired, it is the feeling of being so spacey, so nauseated, dizzy and just... not functional.

I don't know what to do... I've had a blood screening done... My white blood cell count was low, it still is low but is climbing. As well, just to make life more interesting, I am in menopause. Convenient timing that! But that was all that showed, not anemic, thyroid is good... I am getting regular exercise, trying to eat well. I cannot tolerate any type of spice on food but can eat most things now.

Any ideas/suggestions? I want to get back to 'normal'... and am starting to feel really frustrated and have no idea what to do for myself!

Last edited by LWP; 03-11-2015 09:07 PM. Reason: Horrible proofreader!

Age 48, Rabid non-smoker, Mom, horse lover
Diagnosed SCC Feb 11/14
CT Scan showed three larger than normal lymph nodes
Partial Gloss & SND Mar 25, 2014
Nodes Clear/ 3mm margin / RADs recommended
Began RADs May 20, 2014 (30 in total) ENDED June 30th