
Sounds like you are about to embark on the trip I took. Just got my last of 30 treatments yesterday, also a relatively low dose. My teeth were extracted and a peg tube installed before treatment. My experience so far:
No teeth is a bummer for a dyed in the wool beefeater like me. I haven't had to use the peg and can't wait to lose it (they want to keep it in for about a month "just in case").

First 2 1/2 weeks of treatment were like nothing. Slight redness of the skin on the neck and shoulders but no pain. I started applying the aquaphore cream as suggested.

At about 2 1/2 weeks my taste buds disappeared. Eating was no longer fun so I basically started living on "Boost Plus" protein drink mixed with "Mootopia" chocolate milk taken very cold. Since swallowing wasn't a problem I would also have some scrambled eggs or Ramen noodles just for some texture. Dry mouth started creeping in but that hasn't been a real problem for me since I have rarely ever been found out of reach of a cup of coffee. I swear I can still taste the coffee but that may be my caffeine addiction talking.

At about week 4 I began to notice soreness inside my mouth, kind of similar to when you burn your mouth (especially the roof) by trying to eat or drink something too hot. Also began to notice a secretion kind of like saliva but thicker (mucus?) inside my mouth. Regular swishing with a saltwater/baking soda mix helped. My "sunburn" also began to get a little uncomfortable. I applied the aquaphore cream right after treatment each day and before bed, that helped. I also noticed a slight sore throat but not enough to effect my ability to swallow.

Today is my first post treatment day so I don't expect to see an abatement of side effects for a while. I'm experiencing the sore throat, "sunburn" on my neck, and mucus in my mouth. I have also noticed the last few days it is easier for me to accidently aspirate food and liquids if I am not careful. I am far from an athletic person but so far I haven't had any issues with pain or fatigue that has interrupted my normal activities.

Like I said, just my experience

Male, age 65, smoker, former drinker. Retired corp. pilot. diagnosed with stage I squamous cell in the lower tongue. Fairly active. I don't "exercise" exercise but work in the lawn and garden and work on my hot rod cars.