I haven't had this kind of surgery but plenty of other oral operations so hope I'll do for now till the more knowledgeable people are back from Christmas celebrations.

Pain will be very manageable. You will be given morphine or one of the other strong pain relievers automatically. No one will want you to be in post-surgical pain. There's a pain team attached to hospital wards. Someone from the team will visit you if there's any problem but there shouldn't be. It's only in the first 5 or 6 days after surgery that heavy pain can sometimes break through. After that there will probably be very little pain.

We are often fed through a naso-gastric tube after oral surgery. A formula is dripped into the tube in the early days and eventually you can pump the food in yourself. Once healing is complete you can start to practise swallowing, drinking, eating soft foods then back to normal.

Will the wound in your palate be closed? If not I understand that there are prosthetic devices for this issue.

Healing after surgery is amazingly quick. After a week to 8 days tubes start coming out and most people are out of hospital in 10 days. There seem to be shorter hospital stays in the US than here in NZ. But you will need help with your baby for the days in hospital and the immediate aftermath.

I can well understand your anxiety. Hope this helps and good luck with the biopsy and surgery.

1996, ovarian cancer surgery + cisplatin and taxol.
September, 2007, SCC of left lateral tongue. Excision.
October, 2009 recurrence in scar tissue, T1NOMO. Free flap surgery from left wrist - neck dissection. 63 year old New Zealander. No chemo, no RT.
February, 2014. New primary in left buccal mucosa. Marginal mandibulectomy, neck dissection, right arm free forearm flap. T1N0M0 but third occurrence and some areas of concern: RT started 8 April and finished 19 May.