My father was in a rehab facility so he could get 24 hour care. I went to visit him and he was not himself. He was out of it and very sleepy. He was only awake for about 30 minutes and was given a 10mg oxy. He went to sleep. He then began to open his eyes, while sleeping, and twitch. This would last for 15-20 seconds. After 6 hours of that, he began to twitch with his eyes open and it lasted for a long time. 911 was called and he was taken back to the ER, where he was still unresponsive and twitching with his eyes open. It turns out he was over-dosing on fentynol mixed with the oxy. How do I handle this with the facility? We already knew he could only handle 1 patch. They had 2 on his back and gave him the oxy.

daughter of George:
stage IV squamous cell
diagnosed 12/18/13
double bypass 4/25/14
mandiblectomy 6/13/14
released from hospital 6/25/14 to return 6/27/14
radiation to start 8/25/14; only had one treatment
currently in a nursing home
Passed away Dec 25, 2014