Thanks much, Christine! In fact, I just completed major oral surgery 3 weeks ago and that was and still is a major blow to quality of life. Can't eat, talk, swallow, sneeze, without pain. PEG feeding tube exclusively now. Fighting weight loss especially because I don't take any simple sugar and simple carb foods.

Staring radiation this Monday, Nov. 17th.


Oropharyngeal SCC, HPV-based, tonsil, tongue, and throat.
Stage IVa
Trismus, neglected dental health
Age: 64, smoker aged 16-32 yr.
Diagnosed: 01/2014 (personally suspected well before that)
Self-treat (Cancell + mushrooms): 2/2014
Mexican clinic (Alternative): 6/2014
Will begin conventional treatment soon, mostly IMRT radiotherapy, with a little chemotherapy (cisplatin) in sessions 1, 22, possibly 43.