Well, he's 3 months out and this morning is his PET scan. I'm just a bundle of nerves. They have us set up with his chem. onc. next Monday to go over the results. Do we really have to wait a whole week for results?!! I think that will be the longest week of my life.

Things are going ok. He's was doing very well with eating, got his PEG out last week. Then, I swear his mouth got even drier and his taste buds just stopped working again. He also developed a sore spot on his left palate that gets irritated depending on what he eats. I looked in there and it doesn't look like much but he said it can really hurt. I'm a bit worried about that spot. It doesn't seem like he should have a new sore spot at 3 months out. So, finding foods he wants to eat has been a real challenge. Sometimes I feel like I'm letting him down when I can't come up with something that will taste just ok to him. This recovery is really, really hard and I have the utmost respect and empathy for all of you.

Please send out good thoughts, prayers, vibes our way today. Take care, all of you.


Husband diagnosed SCC BoT 4a-June 4, 2014
Mets bilateral lymph nodes
HPV positive
Tx started June 23, 2014
Blood clot in cephalic vein of right arm after first chemo
2x Cisplatin (hopefully getting in 3rd)
35 IMRT (hopefully complete on Aug. 12)
third Cisplatin cancelled
Last day of treatment Aug. 12, 2014
PET scan Nov. 10-NED (some PT inflammation)