Can anyone tell me what criteria is used to determine whether I should get just Radiation, or Radiation and Chemo. My tumor board was split down the middle, so now I'm confused on what to do.

The RO said there was a US study and one in Europe that showed no benefits to adding Chemo to the Radiation treatment when there is NO EXTRA NODAL EXTENSION. I had 5 positive lymphnodes, 3 in stage 1 section of neck 1 in Stage 3 of neck, and 1 in Stage 4 of my neck.. all with no extra nodal extension....I have to decide quick, I'm supposed to start Radiation on Monday... and I'm unsure of what to do. So many posts I see all have Chemo and Radiation.

Should I ask them for the Chemo too?

Obviously do not want it if it will not help me... but scared to make wrong choice. Can you please share any insight you have on this subject, would be greatly appreciated.


SCC 12/13 - T1N0
1/28/13 - removal of tumor Rt. Tongue clear margins
5/14 lump under chin, 8/14 FNA showed C and CAT
8/25 neck dissection, 14nodes removed 9 clear 5 with C
Extra Nodal Extension not present
9/9/14 tumor board meeting to determine RAD and poss chemo treatment