Thanks Don and Cheryl for your advice.
After my moms surgery on March 25/2014 she had 35 RAD treatments. Taking the last two weeks twice a day. I doesn't seem like the radiation helped at all. Here we are 6 months later and a recurrence has happened. A new surgery is scheduled of next Tuesday 9/23/14. The Oncologist informed us If she doesn't have this surgery she only has 6 months to a year to live. Or with the surgery it is only a 15 to 30 percent chance that the cancer will not come back and then there will be nothing they can do. This is so heart breaking. I guess we have to hold on to any percent chance to keep my mom alive know matter how small. Hopefully after this surgery she would get a different treatment plan that can hopefully stop any further recurrence . frown

Last edited by sweetpe1; 09-16-2014 08:17 PM.

RE:My Mother
Age 70
Non Smoker
SCC 3/4/2014 Left rear jaw
Mandiblctmy 3/25/2014
35RAD Completed on 06/03/2014
MRI 9/3/2014
25mm lobulated recurrence left mandible/floor of mouth carcinoma
9/23/14 Salvage Surgery
9/23/14 Salvage Surgery Not Successful
Chemo Recommended
1st Round of Cisplatin Chemo Started 10/20/14
Cisplatin stopped 11/20/14. Side affects to bad.
Chemo started again 1/22/15 Carbo/Docetaxel
Passed Away April 22,2015