Copied and pasted this info from my records as is much easier to do this way. Really would like to know if anyone on board has been through this and if so, how are you doing. I am now 7 months out of surgery and still have several problems that really bug me a lot. Continue to go to MD Anderson every 3 mo for followup and will have a fine needle aspiration of small node on my thyroid soon.

Here is the info on my case :
This is a 63-year-old female with previous history of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma, T1 N0 M0, that was first diagnosed in 2005 and for which she underwent radiation therapy and excision at an outside institution.
1. The patient noticed ulcerated lesion of the right buccal mucosa in June 2013 and underwent biopsy on 11/27/13, which demonstrated squamous cell carcinoma recurrent.
2. The patient was taken to the operating room on 02/05/14 for radical resection of soft tissue in the oral cavity, right hemimandibulectomy, right maxillectomy, right modified neck dissection, and tracheostomy by Dr. Weber, with placement of Synthes mandibular reconstructive plate by Dr. Martin, and reconstruction utilizing an osteocutaneous free fibula flap, with split-thickness skin graft to the donor site and application of wound VAC by Dr. Selber.

Postoperative Diagnosis:
Acquired defect of the right mandible, 7 cm long, and acquired defect of the oropharynx, 8 x 15 cm.

Operative Procedure:
Free fibula osteocutaneous flap with a single bone segment and skin island for reconstruction of the oropharynx and mandible with microvascular anastomosis and split-thickness skin graft to the left lower extremity for donor site restoration.

Currently T2 NO MX
Wasting of muscles of R Scapula with shoulder weakness and weakness to R tongue. I had 4 months of PT and ST and continue to wear a compression device to my neck area for lympedema of my neck. Have hearing problems with my R ear and chronic pain to my left leg at the donor site of the fibula flap.

Hoping I can find someone that has been though this and can share their experiences with me.